In September 2014, a team of four from Yamaha Group conducted a final stage audit of our company's supporting system and production site compliance over a period of three days. The audit team unanimously praised our quality assurance capabilities and ultimately passed the audit with a high score.......
BOM自2005年创建以来,本着“同心同德、尽心尽力”的发展理念,为高端用户提供一体化轴承解决方案,随着企业的日益发展,现以形成轴承、导轨、运动单位三大核心业务。 浙江博盟精工轴承有限公司作为BOM重要的生产基地,坐落于美丽的“东方威尼斯”之称--绍兴市,距离杭州萧山国际机场仅25分种车程,直达上海仅需1.5小时车程,地理位置十分优越。.......